Yan Chan Metaphysics Center




Chinese fortune telling is not only a forecasting tool, but also one that offers spiritual comfort.

Let me take you into the world of Chinese fortune-telling and to share with you about details of this Chinese art, of what I have learnt over the past 30 years.

中國算命, 既是一個預測工具, 也是心靈慰藉的行業。

且聽我細說中國術數的點點滴滴, 跟你分享三十多年來的所見所聞。

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Bazi Fundamental

Explain the traditional concepts of ancient Chinese fortune, and help you master the basic principles of Bazi, and integrate the logic of Bazi into the philosophy of life.


講解中國古代傳統的算命觀念, 讓你掌握八字的基本原理, 將八字的推演邏輯融入人生哲學中。

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Consultation Service

Published columnist providing you with professional analysis of your destiny.

Using traditional Bazi and Ziwei Doushu to unravel the hidden messages based on your time of birth, to help you identify obstacles in life towards the achievement of a happy life.

報章專欄主持人, 為你提供專業的命理分析。

使用中國傳統的八字學及紫微斗數, 解拆你出生時間的隱藏訊息, 助你看清楚前路障礙, 走向美滿人生。

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Read my previously written articles that were published in Hong Kong newspaper columns. Also see how a sample client report looks like.


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