Reflections 命理閒談


The four stages of life

Many people go to fortune-tellers and just want to ask whether their marriage is good and /or how their careers would develop. Few people think that these things have different ups and downs in everyone’s’ life. Even if your current career is unsatisfactory, your academic performance not as ideal, or love life frustrated (even to the extent of marriage failure), this does not necessarily mean that you will be like this all your life. There are many different stages in your life, and you should never give up lightly.


The Bazi is like a personal life manual that belongs to you. It has four parts: “root”, “seedling”, “flower”, and “fruit”. It tells of the good and bad luck at different stages of life. When you are at a loss, you may wish to take a look at your Bazi to gain some enlightenment to tailor your plans accordingly to make the most of your life.

In the Bazi, the year pillar is the “root”, which represents your birth and your childhood growth. If you have good roots, it means you can get good support from your family, so you can venture into different situations boldly.

The month pillar is a “seedling”, representing your family and peers, and also your educational achievements. This achievement is one of the keys to your stepping out of society and doing things; the month pillar also affects your views on things, and your attitude and method of responding to situations and hence has a critical impact for your successes and failures in a lifetime.

The day pillar is a “flower”, it determines your middle-aged personality and also greatly affects the way you interact with the opposite sex, and this day pillar also plays an important role as to whether your life is happy or not.

The hour pillar is the “fruit”, it determines your lifestyle in later years, how well your children achieve, whether they are filial, etc.


Life has many facets. Please focus the positives and embrace them daily, away from unpleasant people and things. This is the key to living a successful life. Finding out the elements of success from the Bazi, appreciating them, enjoying them, and taking time to improve yourself to make this life worthwhile.


Yan Chan 陳一言


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