You can become truly aware and enjoy every bit of life only if you are constantly aware that you are mortal.
-- Sadguru -- 

3. The influences of the Ten Gods (from bazi) on your life


After setting up the bazi, we must first familiarize ourselves with some of the core elements of bazi: Yin and Yang, the five elements, the ten stems, the twelve branches, and the hidden stems in the branches. These teaching materials can be easily found on the Internet. If you don’t understand, you can write to me, and I will write some supplementary materials.


However, in order to help understand the bazi generated by the computer, I have displayed their English translations in tabular form below.
Yin / Yang:陰 / 陽
Five elements: Wood(木) / Fire(火) / Earth(土) / Metal(金) / Water(水)

Sexagenary: composed by one Heavenly Stem upon one Earthly Branch

Yin Yan can be compiled with Five elements into such as Yin Wood, Yan Fire, and so forth. 

Sexagenary and Ten Gods

(For example, when Day Master is “Yi” , “Ji” is its “Indirect wealth”, Geng is its “Direct Officer”, and so forth.)


There are Ten Deities in bazi. A more popular name is Ten Gods. These gods are not religious gods, but ten pronouns, representing ten different personalities. They are: 「比肩」or “Friend”、「劫財」or “Rob Wealth”、「食神」or ”Eating God”、「傷官」or ”Hurting Officer”、「偏財」or ”Indirect Wealth”、「正財」or ”Direct Wealth”、「偏官」or ”Indirect Officer”、「正官」or ”Direct Officer”、「偏印」or ”Indirect Resources”、「正印」or ”Direct Resources”。其中「偏官」or “Indirect Officer” ia also known as「七殺」or 7K and「偏印」Indirect Resources ias also known as「梟神」Owl God. 

bazi 1983-08-29 female

( 一個八字例式 ) An example of a bazi


The Day Master represents the Destiny Holder (the Destiny Holder refers to the person who was born with this set of bazi), so "己 Ji earth" represents her.

Many existing literature on bazi have character descriptions of the ten stems. For example, “甲 Jia wood” has a straightforward temperament, “乙 Yi wood” is more delicate and soft, and “丙 Bing Fire” is strong and brave.

But these descriptions are generally not very reflective, because there are too many factors that affect the characteristics of the Day Master. Generally speaking, the nature of Day Master will increase or reduce the impact of the ten gods. Instead of first discussing the nature of the Day Master, let’s first discuss the theme of this article: The Ten Gods.


Except for the Day Master, each of the above eight characters have a corresponding ten god, and each of the branches are equipped with more than one ten god. Those are the ten gods represented by the hidden stems in the branches.

For example, the ten god of “癸 Gui water” in year stem is "Indirect Wealth", the hidden gods of the month branch are "庚 metal、壬 water、戊 earth", and the ten gods are "Hurting Officer", "Direct Wealth" and "Rob Wealth" respectively.

八個字當中,月支是力量特別大的一個字,八字學中被稱為「月令」,它所屬的十神,很大程度影響了八字的性格取向。大家可參考我在一個論壇上寫的文章 (。由於它對八字影響較大,我們稱那個十神為「格局之神」或簡稱「格神」。

Note that among the hidden stems for each branch, there is one that is the "main energy / qi". Its element is the same as that of the branch it resides. For example, the month branch "申" is of metal element, and the "庚" in its three hidden stems also belong to metal, and so "Geng" is the main energy / qi of "Shen". (Refer to to revisit importance of the Month Commander). Because of its greater influence on the bazi, we call this Ten God the "God of the Structure" or simply "Structure God".


For this bazi, "庚" is the main energy / qi in the Month branch and is the Structure God for the bazi of the Destiny Holder. In this bazi, the Ten God of Geng is the "Hurting Officer", which means that the Destiny Holder is characterised by "Hurting Officer” and we can call this bazi "Hurting Officer" structure. At this time, we can look at the characteristics of "Hurting Officer" as a starting point to discuss this bazi.


The ten gods have ten different kinds of personalities / characteristics, but whether this is strongly manifested in the behavior of the Destiny Holder would depend on whether the "structure" is sufficiently "pure". If the structure is pure, the personality is distinct, and the structure is impure, and the personality could be less distinct and could include elements of other personalities.


The bazi structure above is the "Hurting Officer" structure. Is this structure pure enough? Is this structure considered pure? Is the “Hurting Officer” structure good or bad? Please for the analysis in the next installment.

Yan Chan 陳一言


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